Welcome to the Minehead & District Choral Society!

We are a large, friendly choir based in Minehead, West Somerset, who enjoy singing a wide range of choral music, from great classics such as "Messiah" to modern works including the incredible "Armed Man" by Karl Jenkins.
We are always happy to welcome new members, whether or not they can read music. No audition is needed! Our aim is to have fun making quality music together and all we ask for is a good voice, enthusiasm and a sense of humour!
Our concert season
normally includes an Autumn/ Christmas concert and a Spring/Easter concert in Minehead, each
preceded by approximately 10 weekly rehearsals. These were suspended during the pandemic and re-commenced in September 2021.
For more information about singing with us, or about our concerts, click on the 'About Us' option at the top of the page, or use the Contact Us form.
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